Complexities of Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) in Manufacturing

Advancedor Academy
10 min readFeb 4, 2024


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In the field of operations research and optimization, simultaneously considering multiple objectives in decision-making processes is a long-standing issue and an area for potential improvement. This post examines a complex Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) scenario, demonstrating the difficulties of optimizing manufacturing processes to concurrently maximize profit and minimize environmental impact.

The Core of Our Challenge

Consider a manufacturing setup that involves producing a range of 20 distinct products, each with specific manufacturing requirements, market demands, and environmental footprints. To manufacture these products, we have 10 versatile machines available, each varying in operational capacity, cost efficiency, and emission levels. Some machines are generalists, while others are specialists, specifically tuned for certain products.

Our investigation into MOO is motivated by two main objectives:

  1. Maximizing Profit: The fundamental goal of any business endeavor, where profit is the revenue from products sold minus the sum of operational and raw material costs, and any penalties from failing to meet contractual obligations.
  2. Minimizing Environmental Impact: A reflection of our commitment to sustainability, quantified by emissions, energy consumption, water usage, and waste generated.

These objectives often conflict, making our optimization task a balancing act between financial viability and environmental responsibility.

The Framework of Our Decision-Making

Decision Variables

The core of our MOO problem is the decision variables, represented by the quantity of each product to be produced on each machine. These variables are the factors we can adjust to manage the trade-offs between our objectives.

Objective Functions

Our two objectives are formalized into mathematical expressions that quantify the outcomes based on our decision variables:

  1. Profit Maximization Objective: Calculated as the total revenue minus costs and penalties.
  2. Environmental Impact Minimization Objective: A composite metric that aggregates various environmental footprints.


Our solution space is limited by a series of constraints, ensuring that our solutions are not just optimal but also feasible:

  1. Production Capacity: Each machine’s finite capacity limits how much we can produce.
  2. Raw Material Availability: Essential materials are available in limited quantities.
  3. Quality Assurance and Delivery Schedules: Ensuring product quality and timely delivery are non-negotiable.
  4. Environmental Regulations: Compliance with laws limiting emissions and waste production.
  5. Labor Constraints: Both skilled and unskilled labor hours are a scarce resource.

The Challenge of Balancing Objectives The key aspect of MOO is balancing these conflicting objectives. Unlike traditional optimization problems where one seeks a single optimal solution, MOO requires finding a set of optimal solutions, known as the Pareto frontier. Each point on this frontier represents a compromise, where improving one objective would mean compromising on another.

Implementing MOO in Practice To implement this MOO framework, we utilize mathematical modeling and computational algorithms. The use of solver software capable of handling multi-objective problems is essential, as it analyzes the complex web of variables, constraints, and objectives to find the Pareto optimal solutions.

Mathematical Modeling for Multi-Objective Optimization

In this analysis, we examine the complexities of mathematical modeling for a multi-objective optimization (MOO) scenario within the manufacturing industry. The goal is to simultaneously maximize profit and minimize environmental impact, a dual objective that presents an intricate yet interesting challenge. This model outlines the decision variables, objective functions, and constraints, providing a structured approach to managing the trade-offs inherent in MOO.

Decision Variables

Created with : quicklatex

Objective Functions

1. Profit Maximization

The first objective aims to maximize the total profit, which is the difference between the revenue generated from selling the products and the sum of operational costs, raw material costs, and any penalties for not meeting production targets.

2. Environmental Impact Minimization

The second objective seeks to minimize the environmental impact, quantified by emissions, energy consumption, water usage, and waste generated.


1. Production Capacity

2. Raw Material Availability

The availability of raw materials constrains the production of each product.

3. Quality Assurance

Production must meet minimum quality standards, affecting processing times and output.

4. Delivery Schedule

Products must be completed within specified deadlines to fulfill orders.

5. Environmental Regulations

Compliance with environmental regulations limits emissions and waste.

6. Labor Constraints

The availability of skilled and unskilled labor hours also limits production.

Code Time!

Part 1: Model Initialization and Sets

This part involves initializing the Pyomo model and defining the sets for products and machines.

from pyomo.environ import *

# Initialize the model
model = ConcreteModel()

# Define sets for products (P1 to P20) and machines (M1 to M10)
model.Products = RangeSet(1, 20) # 20 products
model.Machines = RangeSet(1, 10) # 10 machines


  • ConcreteModel(): Initializes a concrete model in Pyomo, which is suitable for models with known data.
  • RangeSet(1, 20) and RangeSet(1, 10): Define the sets of products and machines, respectively.

Part 2: Defining Parameters

In this part, we define the parameters for the model, including selling prices, production costs, raw material costs, penalties, machine capacities, environmental limits, and other relevant data.

# Selling price per unit of product (placeholder values)
model.SellPrice = Param(model.Products, initialize={i: 100 + i*5 for i in model.Products}, within=NonNegativeReals)

# Production cost per unit of product on each machine (placeholder values)
model.ProdCost = Param(model.Products, model.Machines, initialize={(i, j): 10 + i + j for i in model.Products for j in model.Machines}, within=NonNegativeReals)

# Raw material cost per unit of product (placeholder values)
model.RawMatCost = Param(model.Products, initialize={i: 5 + i for i in model.Products}, within=NonNegativeReals)

# Penalty for not meeting the production target of product (placeholder values)
model.Penalty = Param(model.Products, initialize={i: 500 for i in model.Products}, within=NonNegativeReals)

# Machine capacity (hours available per planning period) (placeholder values)
model.MachineCapacity = Param(model.Machines, initialize={j: 1000 for j in model.Machines}, within=NonNegativeReals)

# Environmental impact limits (emissions, waste) (placeholder values)
model.EmissionLimit = Param(initialize=10000, within=NonNegativeReals)
model.WasteLimit = Param(initialize=5000, within=NonNegativeReals)

# Labor hours required per unit of product on each machine (placeholder values)
model.LaborHours = Param(model.Products, model.Machines, initialize={(i, j): 2 for i in model.Products for j in model.Machines}, within=NonNegativeReals)

# Total available labor hours (placeholder value)
model.TotalLabor = Param(initialize=15000, within=NonNegativeReals)


  • Param: Defines parameters in Pyomo, which are inputs to the model that don't change during optimization.
  • initialize: Specifies the value for each parameter. Here, we've used simple placeholder values. For a real model, these would be replaced with actual data.
  • within=NonNegativeReals: Specifies that the parameter values must be non-negative real numbers.

Part 3: Defining Decision Variables

Now, we will define the decision variables for the model. These variables represent the quantity of each product produced on each machine, which are the primary decisions to be made in this optimization problem.

# Quantity of product i produced on machine j
model.Production = Var(model.Products, model.Machines, within=NonNegativeReals, initialize=0)

# Shortfall variable for not meeting production targets, for each product
model.Shortfall = Var(model.Products, within=NonNegativeReals, initialize=0)


  • Var: Defines a decision variable in Pyomo.
  • within=NonNegativeReals: Ensures the decision variables can only take on non-negative values, as negative production quantities are not meaningful.
  • initialize=0: Initializes the production quantities and shortfall variables to zero. This is a common practice, although the solver will determine the optimal values for these variables.

These decision variables are at the core of the model, representing the key choices that affect both the profit maximization and environmental impact minimization objectives.

Part 4: Defining Objective Functions

Next, we define the two objective functions for our model: one for maximizing profit and another for minimizing environmental impact. In a multi-objective optimization scenario, these objectives need to be balanced or combined using a method such as scalarization.

# Profit Maximization
def profit_rule(model):
revenue = sum(model.SellPrice[i] * model.Production[i, j] for i in model.Products for j in model.Machines)
production_cost = sum(model.ProdCost[i, j] * model.Production[i, j] for i in model.Products for j in model.Machines)
material_cost = sum(model.RawMatCost[i] * model.Production[i, j] for i in model.Products for j in model.Machines)
penalties = sum(model.Penalty[i] * model.Shortfall[i] for i in model.Products)
return revenue - production_cost - material_cost - penalties

model.ProfitObjective = Objective(rule=profit_rule, sense=maximize)

# Environmental Impact Minimization (Placeholder Objective)
def environmental_impact_rule(model):
# Placeholder for environmental impact calculation
# Here you would subtract the environmental benefits or add the environmental costs
environmental_costs = sum(0.5 * model.Production[i, j] for i in model.Products for j in model.Machines) # Placeholder formula
return environmental_costs

model.EnvironmentalObjective = Objective(rule=environmental_impact_rule, sense=minimize)

# Note: Only one objective can be active at a time unless using a scalarization approach or solving sequentially.
# For now, let's focus on the profit objective.
model.EnvironmentalObjective.deactivate() # We deactivate this to focus on profit maximization

Part 5: Defining Constraints

Now we’ll define the constraints for our model. These constraints ensure that the solutions respect the limitations of machine capacities, raw material availability, delivery schedules, environmental regulations, and labor constraints.

# Machine Capacity Constraints
def machine_capacity_rule(model, j):
return sum(model.Production[i, j] * model.LaborHours[i, j] for i in model.Products) <= model.MachineCapacity[j]

model.MachineCapacityConstraint = Constraint(model.Machines, rule=machine_capacity_rule)

# Raw Material Availability Constraints
def raw_material_availability_rule(model, i):
# Assuming a placeholder for raw material usage per unit of product
raw_material_usage_per_unit = 1 # Placeholder value
return sum(model.Production[i, j] * raw_material_usage_per_unit for j in model.Machines) <= model.RawMatCost[i] # Using RawMatCost as a placeholder for availability

model.RawMaterialAvailabilityConstraint = Constraint(model.Products, rule=raw_material_availability_rule)

# Production Target (Shortfall) Constraints
def production_target_rule(model, i):
return sum(model.Production[i, j] for j in model.Machines) + model.Shortfall[i] >= model.Penalty[i] # Using Penalty as a placeholder for production target

model.ProductionTargetConstraint = Constraint(model.Products, rule=production_target_rule)

# Environmental Regulations Constraints (Placeholder)
# Emissions Constraint
def emissions_constraint_rule(model):
total_emissions_limit = 10000 # Placeholder value
emissions = sum(model.Production[i, j] for i in model.Products for j in model.Machines) # Placeholder for actual emissions calculation
return emissions <= total_emissions_limit

model.EmissionsConstraint = Constraint(rule=emissions_constraint_rule)

# Waste Constraint
def waste_constraint_rule(model):
total_waste_limit = 5000 # Placeholder value
waste = sum(model.Production[i, j] for i in model.Products for j in model.Machines) # Placeholder for actual waste calculation
return waste <= total_waste_limit

model.WasteConstraint = Constraint(rule=waste_constraint_rule)
# Labor Constraints
def labor_constraints_rule(model):
return sum(model.Production[i, j] * model.LaborHours[i, j] for i in model.Products for j in model.Machines) <= model.TotalLabor

model.LaborConstraint = Constraint(rule=labor_constraints_rule)


  • Machine Capacity Constraints: Ensure the total labor hours used for production on each machine do not exceed its capacity.
  • Raw Material Availability Constraints: Placeholder constraint for limiting production based on raw material availability. In a full model, you’d replace the placeholder logic with specific raw material usage rates.
  • Production Target (Shortfall) Constraints: Ensure that the production targets are met, allowing for a shortfall variable to capture any underproduction.
  • Environmental Regulations Constraints: Placeholder constraints for environmental limits. You should replace these with detailed constraints on emissions and waste.
  • Labor Constraints: Ensure that the total labor hours used across all products and machines do not exceed the available labor hours.

Solving the Model

With the model fully defined, including decision variables, objective functions, and constraints, the next step is to solve the model. This step involves choosing a solver, executing the solve command, and then processing the results to make them understandable and actionable.

Choosing a Solver

For this example, we’ll use the COIN-OR CBC solver, a popular open-source choice for linear and integer programming problems. Ensure you have CBC installed and accessible in your environment. If not, and you’re using a different solver like GLPK or Gurobi, adjust the solver line accordingly.

Part 6 : Model Solution

# Solver Selection
solver = SolverFactory('cbc')

# Solving the Model
solution = solver.solve(model, tee=True)

# Check if the solution is optimal
if (solution.solver.status == SolverStatus.ok) and (solution.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.optimal):
print('Optimal solution found!')
elif solution.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.infeasible:
print('No feasible solution found. Please check the model and constraints.')
print('Solver Status:', solution.solver.status)

Part 7: Results Processing

# Displaying Results
print("\n--- Results ---\n")

# Display the values of the decision variables
for i in model.Products:
for j in model.Machines:
if model.Production[i,j].value > 0:
print(f"Product {i} on Machine {j}: {model.Production[i,j].value} units")

# Display objective function values if needed
print(f"\nTotal Profit: ${model.ProfitObjective.expr()}")

# Optionally, display shortfall and other relevant metrics
for i in model.Products:
if model.Shortfall[i].value > 0:
print(f"Shortfall for Product {i}: {model.Shortfall[i].value} units")


  • Solver Selection and Execution: The model is solved using the CBC solver, with tee=True to display solver output for real-time feedback on the solving process.
  • Results Processing: After solving, the script prints out the production plan, showing how many units of each product to produce on each machine, and displays the total profit. If there are shortfalls in meeting the production targets, these are also displayed.

The Human Role in MOO

While the mathematical and computational aspects of MOO are intriguing, the final decisions often require human input. Stakeholders must consider the trade-offs presented by the Pareto frontier, making decisions that align with business strategies, ethical considerations, and environmental responsibilities.


Our examination of advanced MOO within a manufacturing context highlights the complex balance between economic performance and environmental sustainability. It emphasizes not just the utility of mathematical modeling in addressing these complexities but also the important role of human judgment in guiding the final decision-making process. Ultimately, MOO is not just about finding the best solutions — it’s about defining what “best” means in a complex world of competing priorities.

Note : I use a site called quicklatex to show mathematical formulas more clearly.


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