Reinforcement Learning Advances: Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO) Explained

Advancedor Academy
3 min readApr 24, 2024


In the field of reinforcement learning (RL), researchers are constantly seeking new methods to improve the performance and stability of learning agents. One significant development in this area is the Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO) algorithm, which has gained attention for its ability to effectively train deep neural network policies while maintaining stability and convergence guarantees.

At its core, TRPO is a policy gradient method that aims to maximize the expected cumulative reward of an agent interacting with an environment. Policy gradient methods work by iteratively updating the parameters of a policy network in the direction of the gradient of the expected reward. However, traditional policy gradient methods can suffer from instability and poor convergence properties, especially when dealing with high-dimensional and complex environments.

TRPO addresses these challenges by introducing a trust region constraint on the policy updates. The trust region is a local neighborhood around the current policy, within which the updated policy is guaranteed to improve performance. By constraining the policy updates to stay within this trust region, TRPO ensures that the updates are conservative and do not lead to drastic changes in the policy that could destabilize learning.

The key idea behind TRPO is to find the optimal policy update that maximizes the expected improvement in performance while satisfying the trust region constraint. This is formulated as a constrained optimization problem, where the objective is to maximize the surrogate advantage function (which measures the expected improvement in performance) subject to the constraint that the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between the current and updated policies is bounded by a predefined threshold.

To solve this constrained optimization problem, TRPO employs a second-order optimization method called the conjugate gradient algorithm. This algorithm efficiently computes the optimal policy update by iteratively refining the search direction based on the curvature information of the objective function. By leveraging second-order information, TRPO can take more informative and precise steps towards the optimal policy, leading to faster convergence and better performance compared to first-order methods.

One of the key strengths of TRPO is its ability to handle complex and high-dimensional environments. By using deep neural networks as function approximators for the policy and value functions, TRPO can learn rich and expressive policies that can effectively navigate challenging domains. Moreover, the trust region constraint allows TRPO to safely explore the policy space without risking catastrophic failures, making it well-suited for real-world applications where stability and safety are paramount.

Another important aspect of TRPO is its sample efficiency. By using a surrogate advantage function to estimate the expected improvement in performance, TRPO can make efficient use of the collected experience data and reduce the number of environment interactions needed to learn a good policy. This is particularly valuable in domains where data collection is expensive or time-consuming, such as robotics or healthcare.

TRPO has been successfully applied to a wide range of RL tasks, from classic control problems to complex locomotion and manipulation tasks in robotics. It has also inspired various extensions and improvements, such as the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm, which simplifies the optimization procedure while retaining the benefits of the trust region approach.

In summary, Trust Region Policy Optimization is a powerful and influential algorithm in the field of reinforcement learning. By combining the stability and convergence guarantees of trust region methods with the expressiveness and scalability of deep neural networks, TRPO has pushed the boundaries of what is possible with RL and opened up new opportunities for real-world applications. As research in this area continues to advance, we can expect to see further innovations and breakthroughs that build upon the foundation laid by TRPO.

